Booster Club News Update
- Programs
We will be selling programs at the remaining home games starting on Monday February 22nd Programs are $5.00, included in the program is a team picture along with all Varsity and Junior Varsity players individual picture/profile, and rosters for each of the teams in the Championship division.
Anyone who can assist in selling the programs please see David DelGallo or Lisa Piekarski
- Team banquet
The annual Team banquet will be Saturday April 2
nd at Bella Restaurant. More details to follow.
- Golf Tournament
The annual Hockey Booster Club Golf Tournament will be held Sunday May 22, 2016 at Triggs. More details to follow.
- Membership Dues
Those of you who have not paid your membership dues please see Lisa Piekarski. $35.00 per family.
5. Wine and Cheese Fundraiser has been postponed until next fall.