Booster Club News Update


  1. Programs
We will be selling programs at the remaining home games starting on Monday February 22nd Programs are $5.00, included in the program is a team picture along with all Varsity and Junior Varsity players individual picture/profile, and rosters for each of the teams in the Championship division.
Anyone who can assist in selling the programs please see David DelGallo or Lisa Piekarski
  1. Team banquet
The annual Team banquet will be Saturday April 2nd at Bella Restaurant. More details to follow.
  1. Golf Tournament
The annual Hockey Booster Club Golf Tournament will be held Sunday May 22, 2016 at Triggs. More details to follow.
  1. Membership Dues
Those of you who have not paid your membership dues please see Lisa Piekarski. $35.00 per family.

5.  Wine and Cheese Fundraiser has been postponed until next fall.